Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Independence Day Morocco !

Every year Morocco celebrates its Independence Day, the Eid Al Istiqulal, on November 18 to honor the return of their King Mohammed to Morocco.
The return from Madagascar

The King had been on exile to Madagascar when Morocco was a French protectorate. On this day the King proclaimed the freedom of Morocco from France and Spain which had colonized the country for 44 years.

The country celebrated today and even received a nod from Google!

Today, the Independence Day is an opportunity to look back at the achievements of the three monarch who led the country through the different stages of its history, namely, late Mohammed V and Hassan II and the current king Mohammed VI.

It is also an occasion to hail the efforts and sacrifices of the Moroccan people, who sacrificed lives and money to achieve the independence of the country and subsequently to place it amongst the democratic, modern, moderate and open countries.

A little history - According to the official story, November 18, 1955, Mohammed V declared the independence of Morocco, after signing with the French Prime Minister Antoine Pinay.

However, the date of 18 November is actually one of the enthronement of Mohammed V in 1927. At the same date in 1955, Mohammed V commemorating his early reign, in a speech, announced negotiations with France to put an end to the protectorate. So the date is now officially the anniversary of the independence of Morocco. However, the repeal of the protectorate between Morocco and France was actually signed a few months later, on March 2, 1956

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